Joie de Vivre: Authentic French Specialties delivered to your doorsteps.
Since our very first paper catalog in 1989, my mission has been to offer the French goodies that I missed and used to bring back in my suitcase. Food, soaps, linen, tabletop, stationery… all the fun stuff that a Francophile might desire.
For memory’s sake, this is the last cover of the catalog. I closed the business when I moved back to France in July 2018.
Part memoir and part visual journey, Moments Parfaits is a collection of forty vignettes that pair some of my favorite photographs of Paris with a personal anecdote. I also include historical notes and travel tips for each location and a French glossary. 8.5” x 8.5”, 96 pages.
The book is now out of print. If interested, contact me and I might be able to snag a copy for you…